What’s new?
Our newest membership comes from the Corrosion Prevention Association (CPA).
What is CP?
Corrosion Prevention(CP) is typically applied to reinforced concrete as a method of repairing and protecting concrete. Cathodic Protection amongst other various prevention techniques is used in concrete structures and controls the corrosion of steel reinforcing bars.
A little bit about CPA
CPA are an authority and source of information on the subject of cathodic protection and other electrochemical treatments. They represent consultants, contractors and manufacturers working in the field of corrosion prevention for reinforced concrete and masonry encased steel.
Why being a part of CPA is good for our customers?
Being a part of the CPA gives us the ability to provide our customers with high quality work that is backed by a professional association. It ensures that our work is up to date with the latest specifications and that are customers are provided with long lasting and high endurance solutions.
Contact information
OnSite Specialist Maintenance are the UK’s leading concrete repairs and leak sealing contractors. Based in Nottingham, a fully trained and committed team are able to work across the whole of the UK for a wide range of clients.
The ability to deliver projects to the highest standard with 20 years of experience makes OnSite SM a comprehensive and reliable service.
We are contactable on 0115 933 5010 or via our contact page.
More information is available on cathodic protection